Please note that for copyright reasons published materials are only available in final draft versions and should not be cited or reproduced.

Books, etc.:

Problems of Growth in the Third World, Sheed and Ward, London, 1974, 58pp.

The Development of Capitalism, Sheed and Ward, London, 1974, 56pp.

(et al.) One Dimensional Marxism, Allison and Busby, London and Schocken Books, New York, 1980, 256pp.
              My contribution comprised the Introduction and lead paper, pp. 5 – 102.

Financial Aspects of Economic Sanctions on South Africa, IUEF, Geneva, 1980, 126pp.

The Foundations of Structuralism: A Critique of Lévi-Strauss and the Structuralist Movement, Harvester Studies in Philosophy, Harvester, Sussex and Barnes and Noble, New York, 1981, 248 pp.

Marx, Marginalism and Modern Sociology, Macmillan, London and Humanities New York, 1982, 248pp.

Keynesianism, Monetarism and the Crisis of the State, Edward Elgar, London and Vermont, 1988, 376pp.

(ed.)  The State Debate, Macmillan, London, 1991, 275pp.

A collection of papers, including two of my own, with an extended editorial introduction, pp. 2 – 109, 144-164.

Marx, Marginalism and Modern Sociology, Macmillan, London. Revised and Expanded Edition, 339pp., 1991.

(with Peter Fairbrother, Michael Burawoy and Pavel Krotov)   What about the Workers? Workers and the Transition to Capitalism in Russia. Verso, London, 248pp., 1993 (about 70% my work).

Marx's Theory of Crisis, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 293pp., 1994 (Turkish translation 2009; Chinese translation by Yang Jiansheng to be published by Beijing Normal University 2010).

(edited, translated and introduced):   Management and Industry in Russia: Formal and Informal Relations in the Period of Transition, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, |July 1995, 244pp.

(with Peter Fairbrother and Vadim Borisov):   The Workers' Movement in Russia, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, September 1995, 431pp (about 85% my work).

(edited, translated and introduced):   Conflict and Change in the Russian Industrial Enterprise, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, March 1996, 290pp.

(edited, translated and introduced):   Labour Relations in Transition: Wages, Employment and Industrial Conflict in Russia, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, June 1996, 285pp.

(edited, translated and introduced):   The Russian Enterprise in Transition: Case Studies, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, September 1996, 395pp.

(et al.)   Restructurirovanie zanyatosti i razvitie rynkov truda v Rossii, ISITO, Moscow, July, 1996, 234 pp.

(et al.)   The Restructuring of Employment and the Formation of a Labour Market in Russia, ISITO Moscow and CCLS, Warwick, December 1996, 267pp.

(with Sarah Ashwin),   The Development of Industrial Relations in Russia, report for the ILO Task Force on industrial relations, December 1996, 179pp.

(et al.)   Structural Adjustment without Mass Unemployment? Lessons from Russia. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, January 1998, 346pp. (about 25% mine)

(with the assistance of Jeannie Holmes)   Poverty in Transition. Report for the Department of International Development, CCLS Warwick, December 1997.

 New Forms of Employment and Household Survival Strategies in Russia, CCLS, Warwick and ISITO Moscow, vi + 250pp, March 1999. ISBN 0 9535519 0 3

with Veronika Kabalina, eds.   Zanyatost’ i povedenie domokhozyaistv, ROSSPEN, Moscow, 1999, . 311 pp. ISBN 5-8243-0056-9

The Formation of a Labour Market in Russia. October 1999, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, xvi +  309 pp.

(edited, with Vadim Borisov):   Профсоюзное пространство современной России, ISITO, Moscow, 2001, 330pp, ISBN 5-94421-003-6.

(with Sarah Ashwin),   Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Post-Communist Russia, Palgrave, Basingstoke and New York, 2002, 286 pp. ISBN 0-333-73518-8

Making Ends Meet in Contemporary Russia: Secondary Employment, Subsidiary Agriculture and Social Networks, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002, xi + 283pp.  ISBN 1 84064 262 9

Devlet Tartışmaları (The State Debate 1991) Translated by: İbrahim Yıldız. Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi Apr. 2004 ISBN: 9756361093

(edited, with Vadim Borisov):   Профсоюзы России: организация или пространство? ISITO, Moscow, 2003.

Marx'ın Kriz Teorisi (Marx’s Theory of Crisis -Turkish translation) Istanbul: Otonomy Yayincilik. ISBN: 9756056264.  Translated by Cumhur Atay (2009)

The Development of Capitalism in Russia. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2007. vi + 250 pp. ISBN: 9780415368254.

(with Vadim Borisov, eds): Best practice of CIS trade-union organizations. ISITO Moscow  (2007)

(with Vadim Borisov, eds): Лучшие практики профсоюзных организаций СНГ. ISITO Moscow  (2007)

(with Tim Pringle) The Challenge of Transition: Trade Unions in Russia, China and Vietnam. ISBN 978-0-230-23330-0  (Palgrave, 2010).

Refereed Articles, etc.

 (with N. Ginsburg): "The Political Economy of Housing" in   Political Economy and the Housing Question, CSE Books, London, 1976, pp. 3 – 33, reprinted in   Kapitalistate, San Francisco, 4 – 5, 1976, pp. 66 – 99.

"Marxism, Sociology and Poulantzas's Theory of the State",   Capital and Class, 2, 1977, pp. 1 – 31, reprinted in The State Debate, 1991, above.

"Lévi-Strauss's Structural Analysis of Myth",   Sociological Review, 25, 4, 1977, pp. 743 – 774.

"'Fractionalism' and the Crisis of Accumulation in South Africa",   CSE Conference Papers, 1977, pp. 27.1 – 27.18.

  Recent Developments in the Role of Foreign Investment in South Africa's Economic Development, Anti-Apartheid, London, 1977.

        "How Long Will South Africa Survive?" Review of R. W. Johnson, The Future of South Africa ,   Journal of Southern African Studies, 4, 2, 1978, pp. 257 – 261.

"Capital, Fractions of Capital and the State: 'Neo-Marxist' Analyses of the South African State",   Capital and Class, 5, 1978, pp. 32 – 77.

"Introduction to Rubin",   Capital and Class, 5, 1978, pp. 107 – 9.

"The Origins of Lévi-Strauss's Structuralism",   Sociology, 12, 3, 1978, pp. 405 – 439.

Changing Patterns of International Investment in South Africa and the Disinvestment Campaign, Anti-Apartheid, London, 1978, 32pp.

Translation of A. Aumeeruddy, B. Lautier and R. Tortajada, "Labour-power and the State",   Capital and Class, 6, 1978, pp. 42 – 66.

"Socialist Humanism and the Critique of Economism",   History Workshop Journal, 8, 1979, pp. 137-156. Spanish translation in a volume edited by Prof R. Aracil.

"The Value of Value",   Capital and Class, 10, 1979, pp. 1 – 17, and in Simon Mohun (ed.)   The Value Debate, Macmillan, Harmondsworth, 1994.

"Introduction" and "Althusserian Marxism", in S. Clarke et al.,   One-Dimensional Marxism, Allison and Busby, London, and Schocken Books, New York, 1980, pp. 5 – 102.

"The Thatcherite Offensive and the Socialist Response",   CSE Conference Papers, 1980, pp. 1 – 10.

"State, Class Struggle and the Reproduction of Capital",   Kapitalistate, 10/11, 1983, pp. 113 – 133. Reprinted in   The State Debate, 1991, above.

"Labourism, Socialism and the Alternative Economic Strategy",   CSE Conference Papers, 1982, pp. 26 – 7.

"Class: Polarisation, Division and Fragmentation",   CSE Conference Papers, 1982, pp. 77 – 81.

"Monetarism, Thatcherism and the State",   CSE Conference Papers, 1984.

"Monetarism and Unemployment as Forms of Social Regulation",   Warwick Working Papers in Sociology, 4, 1984.

"Stalinism as Ideology"   Critique, 20/1, 1987, pp. 126 – 7.

"Capitalist Crisis and the Rise of Monetarism",   Socialist Register 1987, (R. Miliband, L. Panitch, J. Saville eds), London, 1987, pp. 393 – 427.

"The Global Accumulation of Capital and the Periodisation of the Capitalist State Form",   CSE Conference Papers 1988. Reprinted in C. Psychopedis, W. Bonefeld and R. Gunn,   Open Marxism: Contemporary Debates, Pluto Press, London, 1991.

"Another Look at the Degree Results of Men and Women",   Studies in Higher Education, 13, 3, 1988, pp. 315 – 332.

"Class Struggle, Overaccumulation and the Regulation Approach",   Capital and Class, 36, 1988, pp. 59 – 92. Reprinted in J. Holloway and W. Bonefeld (eds),   Post-Fordism and Social Form, Macmillan, London, 1991.

"The Basic Theory of Capitalism: A Critical Review of Itoh and the Uno School",   Capital and Class, 37, 1989, pp. 133-150.

"L'internationalisation du capital et la crise",   Colloque Issues, 36, Paris, 1989.

"Money, the State and the Illusory Community", and "Contributions to Discussion",   Socijalizam u Svetu, Belgrade, 1989.

"The Marxist Theory of Crisis",   Science and Society, 54:4, Winter 1990, pp. 442 – 67.

"Intégration Européenne et coopération de la classe ouvrière au niveau européen",   Issues, Paris, h.s., June 1990, pp. 94-5.

"New Utopias for Old: Fordist Dreams and Post-Fordist Fantasies",   Capital and Class, 42, Winter 1990, pp. 131-153.

"Crisis of Fordism or Crisis of Capitalism?",   Telos, New York, 83, Spring 1990, pp. 71 – 98.

"Crisis of Socialism or Crisis of the State",   Capital and Class, 42, Winter 1990, pp. 19-29.

"Crise do socialismo ou crise do estado",   Vertice, Lisbon, 35, 1991, pp. 19 – 28.

"Criso do fordismo ou crise da social-democracia?",   Lua Nuova, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 24, September 1991, 117-150.

"Modernism and Marxism" in   The Social Critique of the Theory of Modernisation, BSCM, Moscow, 1992, pp. 110-122.

"What in the F---'s Name is Fordism?", N. Gilbert, R. Burrows, and A. Pollert, eds,   Fordism and Flexibility: Divisions and Change, Macmillan, London, 1992, pp. 13-30.

"Byl li Lenin Marksistom?",   Rubezh, Syktyvkar, 3, 1992.

"Pochemu Krizis porazil sovietskuyu sistemu? ",   Ezhegodnik Sotsiologicheskie Ocherki, 2, Moscow, 1992.

‘Sobreacumulacion, lucha de clases y el enfoque de la regulacion’, in J. Hirsch, W. Bonefeld, S. Clarke et al., Los estudio sobre el estade y la reestructuracion capitalista, Fichas tematicas de Cuadernos del Sur, Buenos Aires, 1992, pp. 97-142. Also published in John Holloway and Werner Bonefeld (eds) Un nuevo Estado capitalista? Debate sobre el Estado y la reestructuracion del capital, ed. Fontamara, Mexico.

(with Peter Fairbrother) "The Workers' Movement in Russia",   Capital and Class, 49, 1992, pp. 7 – 17.

"Popular attitudes to the transition to a market economy in the Soviet Union on the eve of Reform"   Sociological Review, 41, 4, 619-652, 1993.

"Privatisation and the Transition to Capitalism in Russia",   New Left Review, 196, November/December 1992, 3-28.

(with Petr Bizyukov) "Privatisation in Russia: The Road to a People's Capitalism?",   Monthly Review, New York, 44, 6, November 1992, 38-45.

"Money", entry for   The Blackwell Dictionary of Twentieth Century Social Thought, (W. Outhwaite and T. Bottomore eds), Blackwell, 1993.

(with Peter Fairbrother) "The Emergence of Industrial Relations in the Workplace", in Richard Hyman and Anthony Ferner (eds)   New Frontiers in European Industrial Relations , Blackwell, Oxford, 1994.

(with Peter Fairbrother and Vadim Borisov) "Does Trade Unionism have a Future in Russia?"   Industrial Relations Journal, 25, 1, March 1994, pp. 15-25.

"Trade Unions, Industrial Relations and Politics in Russia",   Journal of Communist Studies, 9, 4, December 1993, pp. 133-160.

"Trade Unions, Industrial Relations and Politics in Russia", in   Parties, Trade Unions and Society in East-Central Europe, edited by M. Waller and M. Myint, Frank Cass, Ilford, 1994, pp. 133-160.

(with Peter Fairbrother and Vadim Borisov) "The New Workers' Movement in Russia",   Critique, 26, 1994, pp. 55-68.

"The Politics of Labour and Capital", Chapter for S. White, A. Pravda and Z. Gitelman,   Developments in Russian and Post-Soviet Politics, Third Edition, Macmillan, Harmondsworth, 1994, pp. 162-186.

(with Vadim Borisov and Peter Fairbrother) "Is There Room for an Independent Trade Unionism in Russia? The Case of the Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Unions and the Union of Flying Personnel",   British Journal of Industrial Relations, 32, 3, 1994, pp. 359-78.

(et al.) "The Privatisation of Industrial Enterprises in Russia: Four Case Studies",   Europe-Asia Studies, 46, 2, 1994, pp. 179-214.

(with Vadim Borisov) "Reform and Revolution in the Communist National Park",   Capital and Class, 53, Summer, 1994, pp. 9-14.

(edited, translated and introduced) Petr Bizyukov `The Social and Political Situation in Kuzbass’,   Labour Focus on Eastern Europe, 47, Oxford, 1994, pp. 37-41.

(translated and edited) Vadim Borisov, A Very Soviet Privatisation,   Labour Focus on Eastern Europe, 47, Oxford, 1994, pp. 37-41.

(with Veronika Kabalina) “Privatisation and the Struggle for Control of the Enterprise in Russia”, in David Lane (ed),   Russia in Transition, Longman, 1995.

(with Vadim Borisov) “The Russian Miners’ Strike of February 1996”,   Capital and Class, 59, 1996, pp. 23–30.

‘The Restructuring of industrial enterprises in Russia after five years of reform’,   Russian and Commonwealth Business Law Report, December 1996.

(with Veronika Kabalina), ‘Politika privatisatsii i bor’ba za kontrol’ nad predpriyatiem v Rossii’,   Rubezh, 8-9, 1996, pp. 60-97.

‘Klassovaya struktura Rossii v perekhodnyi period’,   Rubezh, 10-11, 1997, pp. 66–86 (

(with Vadim Borisov) ‘La huelga de los mineros rusos de febrero de 1996’,   en defensa del Marxismo, Buenos Aires, 6, 16, 1997, pp. 78-85.

Trade Unions, Industrial Relations and the State in Russia’,   Transfer, ETUI, Brussels, 3, 2, 1997, pp. 377-389.

And the Rich Get Richer’,   Transitions, OMRI, Prague, 4,3 August 1997, pp.82-5.

‘The Restructuring of Industrial Enterprises in Russia after Five Years of Reform’, in   Russian Economy in Transition, D. Lvov and P. Vartia, eds, Helsinki/Moscow, 1997, pp. 151-6.

‘Shag nazad i dva pryzhka v storonu ot rynka’,   EKO, Novosibirsk, 3, 1998, pp. 122-7.

Trade Unions and the Non-Payment of Wages in Russia’,   International   Journal of Manpower , 19, 1/2, 1998, pp. 68-94.

‘El Manifesto Comunista - El problema politico de la globalizacion del capital’,   Doxa, Buenos Aires, 19, October-November, 1998, pp. 43-50.

‘Bed'nost v Rossii’,   EKO, Novosibirsk, Nos, 10, 11 and 12, 1998.

(with Inna Donova) ‘Internal Mobility and Labour Market Flexibility in Russia’,   Europe-Asia Studies, 51, 2, 1999, pp. 213-243.

Was Lenin a Marxist? The Populist Roots of Marxism-Leninism’,   Historical Materialism, 3, 1999, pp. 3-27.

(with Veronika Kabalina), ‘Employment in the New Private Sector in Russia’,   Post-Communist Economies, 11, 4, December 1999, 421-443.

(with Tanya Metalina), ‘Training in the New Private Sector in Russia’,   International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11, 1, 2000, pp. 19-36.

‘Poverty in Russia’,   Problems of Economic Transition, 42, 5, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, pp. 5-55, September 1999.

(with Vadim Borisov) ‘New Forms of Labour Contract and Labour Flexibility in Russia’,   Economics of Transition, 7, 3, 1999, pp. 593-614.

‘The Communist Manifesto and the Dynamics of Capitalist Production’,   Papers in Social Theory, 4, 1999, pp. 47–57.

Capitalist Competition and the Tendency to Overproduction’,   Historical Materialism, 4, 1999, pp. 57-71.

‘The Russian Labour Market’ in   Aspekty: Sotsial’noi teorii i sovremennogo obshchestvo, A. Sogomonov and S. Kuhkterin, eds, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science, 1999, pp. 73–120.

with Valerii Yakubovich, ‘Opros domokhozaistv v chetyrekh gorodakh: podgotovka vyborka, organizatsiya i provedenie’ in Veronika Kabalina and Simon Clarke, eds.   Zanyatost’ i povedenie domokhozyaistv, ROSSPEN, Moscow, 1999, pp. 288-310.

with Veronika Kabalina, ‘Novyi chastnyi sektor: zanyatost’ i trudovye otnosheniya’, in Veronika Kabalina and Simon Clarke, eds.   Zanyatost’ i povedenie domokhozyaistv, ROSSPEN, Moscow, 1999, pp. 19-107.

(with Elena Varshavskaya and Inna Donova), ‘Privatisation in Russia: A Case ’, in Birgit Muller (ed),   Power and Institutional Change in Post-Communist Eastern Europe, CSAC Monographs 14, Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing, University of Kent at Canterbury, 1999, pp. 111-142.

‘Novye formy trudovogo dogovora i gibkost’ truda v Rossii’,   Voprosy ekonomiki, 11, 1999.

(with Veronika Kabalina), ‘The New Private Sector in the Russian Labour Market’,   Europe-Asia Studies, 52, 1, 2000, pp. 7–32. ISSN 0966-8136.

(with Lena Varshavskaya, Sergei Alasheev, Marina Karelina), ‘The Myth of the Urban Peasant’,   Work, Employment and Society, 14, 3, September, 2000, pp. 481-99. Draft version

(with Veronika Kabalina), ‘Innovation in Post-Soviet Industry’,   Economic Trends: Focus on Europe, Helsinki, 4, 2000, pp. 62-5.

The household in a non-monetary market economy’ in Paul Seabright, ed.,   The Vanishing Rouble, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 176-206. ISBN 0-521-79452-7.

‘The Closure of the Russian Labour Market’,   European Societies, 2, 4, 2000, pp. 483–504. ISSN 1461-6696.

‘Measurement and Definitions of Poverty in Russia’ in David Gordon and Peter Townsend, eds,   Breadline Europe, Policy Press, Bristol, 2001, pp. 307-56. ISBN 1-86134-292-6.

 Class Struggle and Global Overaccumulation’, in Robert Albritton, Makoto Itoh, Richard Westra, Alan Zuege, eds,   Phases of Capitalist Development: Booms, Crises and Globalization, London, Macmillan, 2001, pp. 76-92. ISBN 0-333-75326-X. (Chinese language edition published by Economic Science Press, Beijing, 2003).

‘Trade Unions in the 1999 Duma Election’,   Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 17, 2, 2001, pp. 43-69. ISSN 1352-3279. Longer draft version.

‘Sources of Subsistence and the Survival Strategies of Urban Russian Households’, in A. Smith, A. Rainnie, A. Swain, eds.,   Work, Employment and Transition: Restructuring Livelihoods in Post-Communist Eastern Europe, Routledge, 2002, pp. 193-212. ISBN 0-415-24942-2.

The Globalisation of Capital, Crisis and Class Struggle’,   Capital and Class, 75, 2001, pp. 93–101 (Turkish translation: “Sermayenin Küreselleşmesi, Kriz ve Sınıf Mücadelesi”  in Kriz Teorisi ve Öznellik, Conatus 5, Nisan-Temmuz. Istanbul: Otonom Yayincilik 2006.

(with Veronika Kabalina) ‘Innovatsii na postsovetskikh predpriyatiyakh,   Voprosy Ekonomiki, Moscow, 7, 2001, pp. 18–33.

The Labour Debate’, in Mike Neary and Ana Dinerstein, eds,   The Labour Debate, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002, pp. 41-60.

Budgetary Management in Russian Households’,   Sociology, 36, 3, 2002, 539-57.

Market and Institutional Determinants of Wage Differentiation in Russia’,   Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 55, 4, July 2002, 628–48

‘Was Lenin a Marxist? The Populist Roots of Marxism-Leninism’, in Werner Bonefeld and Sergio Tischler (eds),   What is to be Done? , Ashgate, Aldershot, 2002, pp. 49-75. ISBN 0-7546-3231-8 Spanish translation in Werner Bonefeld and Sergio Tischler (eds),   A 100 AÑOS del ¿QUÉ HACER? Ediciones Herramineta, Buenoa Aires, Argentina, 2003, pp. 71-108. ISBN 987-9306-11-2.  Korean Translation, Galmuri, Korea, 2004, pp. 101-42  ISBN 89-86114-62-3

‘Globalisation and the Subsumption of the Soviet Mode of Production under Capital’, in A. Saad-Filho (ed.),   Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction, London, Pluto Press, 2002. ISBN 0-7453-1894-0 (hb), 0-7453-1893-2 (pb) Translated into Turkish by Uyaniz Kultur, Istanbul, 2006

(with Chang-Hee Lee) 'The Significance of a System of Tripartite Consultation in China',   Asia-Pacific Business Review, 9, 2, Winter 2002, pp. 61 – 80. ISSN 1360-2381 and in Malcom Warner (ed)   The Future of Chinese Management, Frank Cass, London, pp. 61–80, ISBN 0 7146 5550 3.

 ‘Rossiiskie i kitaiskie profsoyuzy v postsotsialisticheskuyu epokhu’,   Otechestvennye Zapiski, 3, 2003 (

 (With Chang-Hee Lee and Qi Li) ‘Collective Consultation and Industrial Relations in China’   British Journal of Industrial Relations, 42, 2,   2004, pp. 235-254. ISSN 00007-1080.

        ‘The Rationality and Irrationality of Money’, in Richard Westra and Alan Zuege, eds, Value and the World Economy Today: Production, Finance and Globalization, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003

‘A very soviet form of capitalism? The management of holding companies in Russia’, Post-Communist Economies, 16, 4, 2004 pp. 405-22.

Post-socialist trade unions: China and Russia’, Industrial Relations Journal, 36, 1, January 2005, pp. 2-18. A version for Chinese publication is in translation.

‘Individual and Collective Regulation of Labour Relations’ Paper presented at Beijing Labour Law Conference, February 2004 will be published in book form in Chinese.

‘Sotsiologiya: professiya i prizvanie. Interv’yu c professorom Saimonom Klarkom’, Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial’noi antropologii, Saint Petersburg, 7, 3, 2004, pp. 5-19.

‘Chisto sovetskaya forma kapitalisma?’, Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial’noi antropologii, Saint Petersburg, 7, 3, 2004, pp. 5-19.

“Sınıf Mücadelesi ve İşçi Sınıfı: Meta Fetişizmi Sorunu” [Class Struggle and the Working Class: Problem of commodity fetishism] in Değer Teorisi Ve Sinif Mücadelesi, Conatus 4, Nisan-Temmuz. Istanbul: Otonom Yayincilik 2005

The Neoliberal Theory of Society’, in: A. Saad-Filho & D. Johnston (Eds.) Neoliberalism: A Critical Reader, London: Pluto Press 2005. ISBN 0-7453-2299-9 (hb), 0-7453-2298-0. Translated into Chinese by Jangsu People’s Publishing House, Nanjing, 2006. Translated into Korean by PSSP, Seoul, 2006.

Ein Grundeinkommen für Russland?’ in Manfred Fuellsack, ed., Globale soziale Sicherheit. Grundeinkommen - weltweit? Berlin, Avinus-Verlag, 2006

 From European Union to European Monetary Union: the new member states and accession countries of Central and Eastern Europe in 2004, Industrial Relations Journal 36:6, 2005, 592–612  ISSN 0019-8692.

Crisis, Economic’ in Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovsky, eds, International Encyclopaedia of Economic Sociology, London and New York, Routledge, 2006, pp. 128-9.

Social Partnership, Civil Society and the State in Russia’, in Perspectives on the Russian State in Transition, Wolfgang Danspeckgruber (ed.). Princeton: Princeton University Press 2006

The State of the Russian Unions’, Journal of Labor Research, 28, 2 Spring 2007, pp. 275-300

 (with Vadim Borisov) ‘The rise and fall of social partnership in post-socialist Europe: the Commonwealth of Independent States’, Industrial Relations Journal, 37, 6, November 2006, 607-629.

 The Changing Character of Strikes in VietnamPost-Communist Economies, 18, 3, 345-61 September 2006

        Линейные руководители: между трудом и капиталом, [Line Managers: Between Capital and Labour]’, Мир России, 2006, 15, 4, 129-42

(with Chang-Hee Li and Do Quynh Chi) ‘From Rights to Interests: The Challenge of Industrial Relations in Vietnam’, Journal of Industrial Relations, 49:4, September 2007.

 “Globalisation and the Development of Capitalism in Russia” Countdown, 2006

Globalisation and the uneven subsumption of labour under capital in Russia’ in Global Economy Contested Finance, Production and the International Division of Labour, edited by Marcus Taylor, Routledge, ISBN: 9780415775489, 2008.

        (withTim Pringle) Trade Unions in Russia, China and Vietnam: From Governmental to non-Governmental Public Actors, NGPA Research Paper 22, 2008.

 ‘A Basic Income for Russia?’, AVINUS-Magazin, 28.05.08, ISSN 1866-5985,

Warwick Üniversitesi’nden Profesör Simon Clarke: ‘Yeni Solcular’ Sinif Vurgusunu Geriye Atiyor 20:24 September 11, 2009, Birgün, Istanbul (

(with Tim Pringle) Can party-led trade unions represent their members? Post-Communist Economies, 21(1): 85-101, 2009.

Selected Book Reviews

Capitalism and Social-Democracy - Przeworski, A in Sociology, 1986, Vol.20, No.1, pp.144-147

Making Sense of Marx - Elster, J in American Journal Of Sociology, 1986, Vol.92, No.3, pp.725-726

Political Identity - Meister,R in Science & Society, 1992, Vol.56, No.3, pp.376 - 378

Soviet Workers and De-Stalinization - The Consolidation Of The Modern System Of Soviet Production Relations 1953-64 - Filtzer,D in Sociology, 1993, Vol.27, No.4, pp.717-71

Marx's Capital: a Student Edition - Arthur, C.  Capital and Class, 1994,(54): 140-14

Time, Labor And Social Domination - A Reinterpretation Of Marx Critical-Theory - Postone,M in Contemporary Sociology, 1994, Vol.23, No.2, pp.321-32

Beyond Sovietology: Essays in Politics and History. - Solomon, S. G.  Europe-Asia Studies, 1995, 47(6): 1051.

Restructuring Networks in Post-Socialism: Legacies, Linkages and Localities - Grabner, G, Stark, D in Work Employment and Society, 1997, Vol.11, No.3, pp.577-57

Kremlin Capitalism: Privatizing the Russian Economy - Blasi, JR, Kroumova, M, Kruse, D in British Journal of Sociology, 1998, Vol.49, No.1, pp.150-15

Revolution from Above: The Demise of the Soviet System - Kotz, D, Weir, F in Contemporary Sociology, 1998, Vol.27, No.3, pp.295-296

Fred Moseley and Martha Campbell (eds) (1997) New Investigations of Marx’s Method,

Russian Business Relationships in the Wake of Reform - Hertz, N in Economics of Transition, 1998, Vol.6, No.1, pp.234-23

Hot Coal, Cold Steel: Russian and Ukrainian Workers from the End of the Soviet Union to the Post-communist Transformations - Crowley, S in Europe-Asia Studies, 1998, Vol.50, No.4, pp.721-72

Uncertain Transition: Ethnographies of Change in the Postsocialist World. - Burawoy, M., K. Verdery, et al. and Where was the Working Class? Revolution in Eastern Germany. - Fuller, L.  American Journal of Sociology, 2000, 106(2): 508-510.

Paul T. Christensen, Russia’s Workers in Transition: Labor, Management and the State under Gorbachev and Yeltsin

David Lane and Cameron Ross The Transition from Communism to Capitalism: Ruling Elites from Gorbachev to Yeltsin, Contemporary Sociology, 2000, 29;  3, pp. 532-533

Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff: Class Theory and History: Capitalism and Communism in the USSR,Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 22, 2003

Debra Javeline: Protest and the Politics of Blame: The Russian Response to Unpaid Wages. British Journal of Sociology, 55, 1, 2004.

Robert C. Allen, Farm to Factory: A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution. Labour/Le Travail, Spring 2005.

Bill Taylor, Chang Kai and Li Qi, Industrial Relations in China. Labour/Le Travail, Spring 2005.

Marsh, Christopher. Unparalleled Reforms: China’s Rise, Russia’s Fall and the Interdependence of Transition.

Ashwin, Sarah (ed.). Adapting to Russia’s New Labour Market: Gender and Employment Behaviour. The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 87, Number 1, 1 January 2009 , pp. 184-186.

 Some Papers Presented to International Conferences, etc.

"Recent Developments in the Role of Foreign Investment in South Africa's Economic Development". Briefing Report prepared for representatives at UN General Assembly and at   international conferences on sanctions in Lagos, Nigeria and Lisbon, Portugal, 1978.

"Changing Patterns of International Investment in South Africa and the Disinvestment Campaign". Presented as Anti-Apartheid's submission to the   International Conference of Non-Governmental Organisations on Disinvestment, Geneva, August, 1978.

"Transnational Corporations and the Financing of Apartheid". Briefing Paper for   UN Special Committee on Apartheid, London, November, 1979.

"Financial Aspects of Economic Sanctions on South Africa". Background paper for the   NGO Conference, Geneva, 1980 and the   UN/OAU Conference on Sanctions, 1980.

"State, Class Struggle and the Reproduction of Capital",   International Symposium on the State, Cosenza, Italy, 1982.

"Monetarism and Unemployment as Forms of Social Regulation",   XIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Vancouver, Canada, August 1983.

"Monetarism and the State".   International Symposium, 'State Theory: Where are we?', Athens, Greece, March 1984.

"Capitalist Crisis and the Rise of Monetarism".   International Symposium on 'Civil Society and the State', Montreal, Canada, June, 1986.

"Class Struggle, Overaccumulation and the Regulation Approach".   International Conference on Regulation Theory, Barcelona, Spain, June 1988.

"The Internationalisation of Capital and the Crisis".   International Conference "Nouvelle phase de la crise et enjeux des issues", Paris, October 1988.

"Money, the State and the Illusory Community".   International Conference "Socialism and the Spiritual Situation of the Age", Cavtat, Yugoslavia, October 1988.

The Marxist Theory of Overaccumulation and Crisis’ CSE Conference 1989.

"The Internationalisation of Capital and the Nation State".   International Conference on 'New Forms of the Internationalisation of Capital', Washington D.C., June 1989.

"The Limits of Pluralism: The Contradictions of Capital, Political Conflict and the State".   International Conference 'After the Crisis', Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 1990.

What in the F---’s name is Fordism’, British Sociological Association Conference, University of Surrey, 4th April 1990

"Political Economy and the Limits of Sociology".   XIIth World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, Spain, July 1990.

"Money, the Market and the State". Series of Five Invitation Lectures at   Centre for Advanced Sociological Studies, Moscow, December 1990.

The new phase of perestroika and conflict within the workplace, CSE Conference, 1991

"Marxism and Modernism",   British Sociology Club Invitation Conference, Moscow, December 1991.

(with Peter Fairbrother)  Workers Movement in Russia. ESRC Labour Studies Workshop, February 1992

"Trade Unions in the Former USSR", Conference on  Political Parties, Society and Trade Unions in the Transition, Budapest, Hungary, March 1992

(with Peter Fairbrother): The Workers' Movement in Russia.CSE Conference July 1992.

"The Workers' Movement and the Transition to the Market Economy in Russia",   Association for Economic and Social Analysis Conference, Amherst, Massachussets, November 1992

What About the Workers? , CSE Conference,University of Leeds, July 1993.

(with Peter Fairbrother) "Post-Communism and the Emergence of Industrial Relations in the Workplace",   East-West Programme Seminar, "The Enterprise in Post-Communist Societies", London, November 1993.

Strikes in Russia,   12th Annual International Labour Process Conference, Aston, March 1994

The Politics of Privatisation in Russia,   BASEES Conference, Cambridge, March-April 1994

(et al.) The Post-Communist Enterprise and Social Policy,   European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity Seminar, Moscow, 14 May 1994

(with Veronika Kabalina, Vadim Borisov and Peter Fairbrother), Privatisation and the Struggle for Control of the Enterprise in Russia,   ESRC East-West Programme Workshop on Privatisation, London, June 1994

(with Peter Fairbrother), The Restructuring of Enterprise Management and Industrial Relations in Russia,   XIIIth World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, 19th July 1994

(with Veronika Kabalina), The Workers’ Movement in Russia,   XIIIth World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, 19th July 1994.

(with Peter Fairbrother), The Restructuring of the Russian Coal-Mining Industry,   Know-How Fund Seminar, ODA, London, July 1994.

(with Peter Fairbrother), `The Restructuring of Employment in Russian Industrial Enterprises’,   Know-How Fund Seminar, ODA, London, October 1994.

(with Veronika Kabalina), Privatisation and the Struggle for the Control of the Enterprise in Russia,   Russia in Transition: Elites, Classes and Inequalities, Cambridge, 15th-16th December 1994

 Marx and the Market”,   Centre for Social Theory, University of California, Los Angeles, April 1995.

 “The Restructuring of the Russian Coal Mining Industry”,   University of California, Los Angeles, April 1995.

 “The Workers’ Movement and the Miners in Russia”,   University of California, Berkeley, April 1995.

 “Researching the Russian Industrial Enterprise”,   Stanford University, California, April 1995.

Privatisation in Russia: A case study’.   Ethnographic Research on Transitional Societies, Berlin, November 1995

Enterprise Ethnographies and the Dynamics of Transition’.   Ethnographies of Transition: The Political and Cultural Dimensions of Emergent Market Economies in Russia and Eastern Europe, Centre for Slavic and East European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, March 22–24 1996

The Restructuring of industrial enterprises in Russia after five years of reform’, Bank of Finland and Finnish Ministry of Finance, ‘High Level Seminar’, Helsinki. September 1996.

Invited participant in expert Seminar on the 1996 World Development Report. Bank of Finland and World Bank. Helsinki. September 1996.

Классовая структура России в переходный период ‘The Class Structure of Russia in Transition’,   Social Stratification: Historical and Contemporary Aspects, Syktyvkar, Russia, September 1996

‘The Restructuring of Employment and the Formation of a Labour Market in Russia’, OECD/Goskomstat Invitation Seminar, Moscow, December 1996.

Russian workers eighty years after the revolution Critique conference 1997

‘Trade Unions and Unemployment’, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, May 1997.

‘Poverty in Transition’, Know How Fund, London, December 1997.

`Poverty in Russia’, Oxfam, Oxford, February 1998.

Household Survival in a Non-Monetary Market Economy, Barter in Post-Socialist Societies Churchill College, Cambridge, 13-14 December 1998

Do Russian Households Have Survival Strategies? ESRC Central and Eastern Europe Seminar Series on Household Survival Strategies. Feb 26 2000

Class Formation and the Politics of Trade Unionism in Russia’, Round Table, 12th International Conference of Europeanists, March-April 2000, Chicago.

‘Trade Union and Labour Actions in the New Russia’, Round Table, Political Studies Association Conference, LSE, April 2000.

Enterprise labour market: a comparative assessment’. ILO, UNDP, State Statistics Committee of Ukraine Conference: “Confronting Socio-Economic Insecurity in Ukraine”, Kiev, Ukraine, 31 May - 1 June 2000.

International Council for Central and East European Studies, Tampere Finland, 29/7-3/8/00:

        Simon Clarke: Labour in Post-Soviet Russia (Session I-19 Saturday 29 July 9.00)

        Simon Clarke, Sarah Ashwin and Irina Kozina: Gendered Roles in Russian Households (Session III-10, Sunday, 30 July, 17.00)

        Veronika Kabalina and Simon Clarke: Innovation in Post-Soviet Industrial Enterprises (Session VII-20, Monday 31 July, 17:00).

        Simon Clarke: Contradictions and class conflict in Russia in transition

 ‘Innovation in Post-Soviet Industry’. Bank of Finland and Finnish Ministry of Finance, ‘High Level Seminar’, Helsinki. September 2000.

The Rise of Capitalism in Russia: Transition or Transformation? Lecture, City University Hong Kong, April 2001

Employment Restructuring and Industrial Relations in Russia: Lessons for Other Transitional Economies Seminar, City University Hong Kong, April 2001

‘Russian trade unions at the regional level’, Forschungstgelle Osteuropa, Osteuropa-Gebäude, University of Bremen, 19 June 2001.

 What about the Workers? Russian Trade Unions in the Face of Integration into the World Economy’, BISA Annual Conference, Edinburgh,  December 2001

The transformation of Russian trade unions: from transmission belt to social partners’, Forum on Industrial Relations and Labour Policies in a Globalising World, Beijing, 9-11 January 2002.

Social Partnership, Civil Society and the State in Russia’, Lichtenstein Colloquium on the future of self-governance in the region of the Former Soviet Union, Triesenberg, Lichtenstein, March 2002.

What do enterprise trade unions do?’ British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies Association Conference, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, March 2002.

'Russia: consequences of a perfectly flexible labour market' ESRC Future of Work Programme Seminar, 2003.

(with Tony Elger and Veronika Kabalina),’The Contemporary Reorganisation of Management and Work Relations in Russian Enterprises: the remaking of traditional organisational characteristics in new conditions’, 22nd International Labour Process Conference, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies/ University of Amsterdam, 5th-7th April 2004

Bridging the Gap between Public Service Unions in East and West, PSI 12th European Regional Conference, 28-30 September 2005, International Labour Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland. Workshop No. III

'Class Formation in Post-Soviet Russia', International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, 21-22 April 2006

Trade Unions in Russia, China and Vietnam’, Historical Materialism Conference, London, 9 November 2007. Slides

with Tim Pringle, ‘Labour activism and the reform of trade unions in Russia, China and Vietnam’, NGPA Labour Workshop, 10 December 2007. Slides

'How non-governmental is non-governmental public action' NGPA Theory Seminar 8-9 May 2008.

Some Unpublished papers

"Configurations of Dissent: Fractions of Capital,Class Struggle and the Decline of Britain", critique of Perry Anderson, submitted to New Left Review about 1989.

Reading notes on Capital